Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is the end. My only friend, the end.

Well dear reader (meaning myself), I am afraid I must bid you adieu. Some blogs last for a long time, some do not. Mine fit into the "do not" category, but only through my own misgivings. Unfortunately, starting a blog on the basis of "I'm drunk so I feel like it" does not constitute a good blog. It also means that in the days following its creation I lost all connection with it, and didn't want to continue it purely on the basis that it would eat into my "me time". So once again, Adieu! And also FUCK OFF FOR FUCK'S SAKE! IT'S DEAD! STOP LOOKING AT IT!"

Friday, March 7, 2008

What the fuck was that?

Well that was a strange start to what will probably be a very strange blog. Turns out when you're really drunk and listening to Steely Dan's "Kings" and creating a blog you feel like naming it after the song, or the line "Sad old men who run this town". I'm not even sure if that's what they say. Bah whatever.

I'm hoping that this won't be one of those "Well I woke up this morning and had a piece of toast and then put on a jumper" type blogs. I'm hoping it will be a fairly funny blog. I might even start my own web comic, fuck how cliche would that be. Hi everybody I'm a walking fucking cliche! DUR DUR DUR!

I might still be a little drunk.

Run This Town

Welcome one and all to Run This Town, the most raddest blog to ever be created in the history of rad blogs. "How rad is it?" I hear you ask? Well it is quite rad. Quite rad indeed.
"But why rad?" you ask? Why rad indeed. WHY RAD INDEEEEEEEEEEED!

Wow ok well the first lesson you should learn upon visiting this blog is that you shouldn't blog after drinking 8 heavy beers. That's probably not a good idea. Well not a good start to interesting reading anyway. Or is it? I guess if you're still reading this it is conducive to interesting reading.

So i'll end the initial radical blogginess here. Because i'm the just the juicy word dangler.
You've had your word nourishment for the day.