Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is the end. My only friend, the end.

Well dear reader (meaning myself), I am afraid I must bid you adieu. Some blogs last for a long time, some do not. Mine fit into the "do not" category, but only through my own misgivings. Unfortunately, starting a blog on the basis of "I'm drunk so I feel like it" does not constitute a good blog. It also means that in the days following its creation I lost all connection with it, and didn't want to continue it purely on the basis that it would eat into my "me time". So once again, Adieu! And also FUCK OFF FOR FUCK'S SAKE! IT'S DEAD! STOP LOOKING AT IT!"

1 comment:

blonde_holly said...

Can you delete this blog all together if you are done with it? I would like the blog name, to use for a running group, if not I can just come up with something else.